RAJAR Q2 stats have been revealed!

Here are the top stats from Q2 for the period ending June 2023 of Rajar’s update. 

Data has revealed that the weekly population of all radio listeners has remained the same as Q1 in Q2 with 88% but has increased slightly to 49.5 million people. 

Some other interesting stats – 

  • A record 39.2 million people are tuning into commercial radio every week, up by 1.3% on the quarter and 8% on the year. 
  • Commercial Radio’s share of listening has also grown massively to a new record of 54.5%, up from 51.4% in Q1
  • The average user tunes into 20.5 hours of live radio each week. 
  • In an average week, digital listening accounts for 697 million hours, and has the highest percentage of listeners with 74%. 
  • At home listening has the biggest percentage with 62%, followed by transport with 25% and in the workplace with 14%. 


Commercial radio now has 7.5 million more listeners than the BBC. 

They’ve done it again! Heart, Capital and Smooth remain the top 3 UK commercial radio brands, resulting in Global leading the radio market with 24.9 million weekly listeners. 

Heart reaches more than 11.1 million listeners each week, increasing listening hours by 3%.

Capital reaches 7.8 million listeners each week – 14% of the UK population. 

Smooth reaching 5.9 million listeners each week, reporting a 4.8% increase from Q1.  

Following a successful Q1, Bauer’s Greatest Hits Radio has grown by a further 12% in reach, equivalent to 5.9 million listeners each week and a total of 21.3 million listeners. 


Across Wales North Wales appeared to have the most success this RAJAR

Reach has increased for Capital North Wales from 100,000 to 121,000 a staggering 21% in Q2.

Following this trend, Heart North Wales reach has also increased from 89,000 up by 14%. Its total listener hours is up by a staggering 40% from 606,000 to 846,000, whilst share of listening is up from 2.9% to 4.1%.

Other each increases include:

Greatest Hits South Wales: 72,000 to 77,000

Radio Carmarthenshire: 18,000 to 20,000 

Several Welsh stations have seen a significant fall in their reach from Q1 to Q2, these include:

  • Smooth Radio South Wales: 76,000 to 70,000, fell by 9%
  • Capital South Wales: 154,000 to 143,000, fell by 8%
  • Heart South Wales: 426,000 to 403,000, fell by 5%

Although radio listeners have switched stations, they still regularly tune in to the medium highlighting that there is still a market for radio advertising! Millions of people can still hear your message; to be heard at the right time, get in touch with our team today!

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