Tag: best april foolds
April Fools Ad Round Up
April Fools Day nearly passed us by this year…until morning TV news “gaffes” reminded us that here it was again, with a stream of hilarious mishaps (say no more). Having been reminded, we were on the look out all day for other “April Fools Day” heists and here are a few from the advertising world…
Marmite – “Opened up” a pre-hated marmite store on Ebay, selling peoples discarded Marmite jars after hating the taste.
Bovril – Joining forces with Sheffield FC allowing fans access to their own Bovril drinks on – tap dispenser which fans can enjoy at every match
Pot Noodle & Papa Johns – have together created a noodle pizza the “Pot Pizza” in 3 flavours such as Bombay Bad Boy following on from their creation the “Pot Noodle Sandwich”
Walkers Crisps – create bread-sized sandwich crisps created in response to Walkers research that revealed nearly 98% agreed crisps make sandwiches better

Perhaps one of our favourites (throw-back drink early 1990’s) Malibu, launched its super-premium Malibu XO which has been aged inside coconuts for 12 years. Only 100 of the XO blend are available, and the spirit comes in a black bottle, nestled in a gold collector’s box, accompanied by a certificate of ownership.

The April Fools that made us chuckle were Aldi’s budget airline and Professor Green’s Shitamins ….we’ll leave our round-up there!
Aldi launches budget airline

Professor Green becomes the face of Shitamins