Tag: Mediamix
Interesting Media Statistics
Do you want your brand to be seen by a mass and diverse audience, at the right time and place?
Check out the latest statistics for different advertising medias!

28 million households in the UK have a television (Cybercrew, 2023)
3 hours were spent daily watching TV in the UK for 2022 (Cybercrew, 2022)
TV advertising is on average almost half the price of YouTube, and 17 times cheaper than other online video advertising (Thinkbox, 2021)
Adults ages 35-54 spent up to 26% of their total TV time watching traditional TV on a weekly basis (Keegan, 2023).
VOD (Video on Demand)

In the first quarter of 2023, the number of UK households subscribing to video-on-demand services amounted to around 19.08 million (Statista, 2023).
73% of the UK population choose to watch shows/movies on streaming platforms.
58% of all households in the UK are subscribed to an average of 5.4 streaming services (Boyle, 2022).
There were 35 million users on ITV X alone in 2022! (Boyle, 2023).
OOH (Out of Home)

Out of Home reaches 98% of the UK population at least once a week (Outsmart, 2023)
Nearly 26% of Customers Have Visited a Website in Response to an OOH Advert (75 media, 2023)

Transit advertising reaches 83% of commuters on weekdays and 69% on weekends, equivalent to 48 million adults on a two-week basis (Global, 2023)
Each year a branded taxi will be seen over 75 million times (Capspacemedia, 2022)
Spending over 95% of their time in the city centre, taxis offer universal coverage by targeting mass volumes of consumers (Hugemedia, 2023)
54% of adults 15-34 see bus advertising every week (Global, 2022)
Bus shelter Ads reach 92% of the Population Every Week (75 media, 2023)
On average, passengers spend 7-13 minutes at their respective rail station (Global, 2022)
71% of regular rail users have noticed an OOH ad in the past week (Clearchannel, 2023)

88% of the adult population listens to radio weekly, equivalent to 49.4 million people (RAJAR, 2023).
The average user tunes into 20.5 hours of live radio each week (RAJAR, 2023).
A record 39.2 million people are tuning into commercial radio every week, up by 1.3% on the quarter and 8% on the year (RAJAR, 2023).
In an average week, digital listening accounts for 697 million hours, and has the highest percentage of listeners with 74% (RAJAR, 2023).
Digital Audio

Podcast advertising will see a growth rate of 15.7% in 2023.
The average podcast fan consumes 9 episodes per week (Thepodcasthost, 2023).
The average Spotify user spends an average of 25 hours per month listing to music (Ferjan, 2023).
Q4 data for 2022, shows that 33.2 million people in the UK are listening to online radio each week (IAB, 2022).
In an average week, digital listening accounts for 697 million hours, and has the highest percentage of listeners with 74% (RAJAR, 2023).

Cinema advertising spending is forecast to show the largest growth rate in 2023 compared to any other media at 37% (Statista, 2023).
There are on average 220 new films of different genre released every year; therefore, cinema advertising reaches a large and diverse audience (SocialFilms, 2022).
87% of survey respondents claimed they noticed adverts before, during and after the movie (Digiday, 2023).
Social Media

In 2022, there were 4.9 billion people globally who use one or more social media platforms daily (Forbes, 2022).
An average person spends 145 minutes every day on social media (Workup, 2022).
Facebook has remained the most-used social media platform with 2.98 billion monthly active users as of Q1 of 2023, a 7.18% increase year on year (Dean, 2023).
Static images posted on Instagram achieved an average reach of 1,850 users and carousels reached an average of 2,325 users (Dixon, 2022).
500 billion YouTube videos are watched daily (Omicore, 2023).
On average, 500 million tweets are shared daily (Oberlo, 2023).
TikTok is the most engaging social media platform, with an average session length of 10.85 minutes, the time spent on TikTok globally in 2022 was a mammoth 68 billion hours (Kurve, 2023).
If you need help ensuring your using the right mix of media, get in touch with our experienced team today!