Secure Law’s Sky AdSmart TV campaign launches today!

Today, the Media Angel has helped Secure Law launch their first TV campaign, highlighting awareness, and seeking out victims of medical negligence…

The aim of the campaign is to help reassure individuals or family members of those who may have had problems with a trans-vaginal implant or hernia repair mesh implant, or those who have been fitted with a Metal on Metal hip implant, that Secure Law have a team of lawyers led by Dr Sarah-Jane Richards ready to help. All of whom are sensitive to the issues involved and experts at what they do.

We helped Secure Law to hand-pick their target audience using Sky AdSmarts unique audience selection technology. In order for Secure Law to reach their target market they defined their campaign not only by location, choosing a small micro region Cardiff and the South Wales Valleys and Bristol (so no wastage) but also by females aged 35 -55+ who are their key audience.

Alison, Managing Director at The Media Angel said:

“This is fantastic for our client, as they are only paying for their exact target audience to see their adverts.”

The TV adverts are part of a blended advertising campaign currently running for Secure Law including billboard and radio adverts.

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