Tag: swansea
Ad spend to shift from Facebook to Instagram
Brands head to Instagram to spend their ad budget in 2019, with more advertisers preferring it over Facebook.
Instagram is becoming an increasingly attractive place for brands to splosh some dosh and the numbers suggest this trend will continue into 2019. With advertisers increasingly turning their backs on Facebook’s News Feed and making better friends with Instagram’s Stories.
According to Socialbakers, ad spend on Instagram increased in 2018 while decreasing on Facebook, driven by hard-to-rival engagement levels on the photo-sharing platform.
While Instagram has a smaller audience size compared to its parent company, its users are far more engaged. Suggesting that Instagram is the go-to for capturing quality engagement within smaller communities.
Last year, Instagram posts continued to reach and garner more impressions per fan than its Stories feature (around 15% and 25% more, respectively).
However, the volume of brands posting on Stories has quadrupled over the last year, with brands investing 212% more in Stories compared with the previous year.
A quarter (25%) of brands’ Instagram ad spend now goes on Stories. This will continue to grow through 2019. As just a few examples, easyJet recently made it possible for users to find and book holidays simply by clicking on a photo, while Spotify, SoundCloud and Shazam are offering their services via Stories. Expect to see more of this integration in the coming months, especially as Instagram promises to enhance its ecommerce features.
Alice Cuffe, editor at We Are Social, says while no one can argue that the specialised and detailed targeting of Facebook is appealing to advertisers, when it comes to creative innovation, Instagram Stories has the edge.
“Instagram has evolved Stories to allow brands to connect with audiences in a space where they feel comfortable enough to express their truest, least curated selves,” she explains.
“While Facebook is simple and reliable, Stories is currently owning the reactive space. Functionalities such as polls, questions, emoji sliders and swipe-up links all provide an easy and immediate way to connect with your audience and allow them to react to your brand in the moment. The temporary nature of Stories also means brands have more freedom to experiment, without necessarily requiring heavy design work or rounds of internal concepting.”
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Source: https://www.marketingweek.com/2019/01/04/five-trends-media-2019/?cmpid=em~newsletter~breaking_news~n~n&utm_medium=em&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=breaking_news&eid=7065287&sid=MW0001&adg=5C1E1BD4-B878-43B7-9CA5-52C2F49301DB&nocache=true&adfesuccess=1
Swansea’s going digital!
Swansea has become the first Welsh city to benefit from free ultrafast wi-fi and phone calls
The free ‘InLinkUK from BT’ service, which already has more than 148,000 subscribers across the UK, has just found its first home in Wales, in the heart of Swansea.
This latest city launch brings exciting new opportunities for brands to target consumers in some of Swansea’s busiest areas.
The first 11 InLinks have been installed in and around Swansea’s city centre and will provide ultrafast wi-fi speeds of up to one gigabit per second (1Gbps), the fastest free public Wi-Fi service available in the UK. The InLinks also provide free phone calls to UK landlines and mobiles, rapid mobile device charging, the BT Phone Book app, as well as easy access to charity helplines.
The first of the fully-accessible InLinks have recently gone live on Princess Way and Castle Street, with further activations expected in the coming weeks.
Since the first InLink was launched in June last year, they have saved people more than £660,000 in free calls, with 50,000 calls being made on average every week across the UK.
Swansea Council leader Cllr Rob Stewart said: “This is great news for the public and local businesses. The exciting addition of the InLinks – with their free high-speed public Wi-Fi to Swansea’s streets matches perfectly our ongoing work to transform the city centre into a vibrant and bustling location for business, leisure and living. We want to increase the number of people working and living in Swansea – and our InLink network will be a big help.”
“Digital ambition is at the forefront of what we plan for our new city centre. The Kingsway will become a thriving digital district as we start to deliver projects that are due to be part-funded by a £1.3bn Swansea Bay City Deal – and plans are progressing well for the city’s 3,500-capacity digital arena.”
Finally, and particular to the roll-out in Wales, BT, InLinkUK and Primesight have worked closely with local stakeholders to ensure that the new InLinks will support both Welsh and English languages, with the screens showcasing dual language community information at launch (with the tablet to follow shortly).
Source: Primesight
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