Tag: Top10brands
Lego is Brits’ favourite brand, but Amazon named most ‘relevant’
For the second year in a row, UK consumers have named Lego as their favourite brand. However, when asked to name the company they considered most relevant to their lives, Amazon took the crown.
Lego has once again topped the annual Superbrands index, which each year invites 2500 British shoppers and industry experts to judge 1500 brands based on quality, reliability and distinction.
For 2019, Apple moved up one place to second in the overall rankings, reversing positions with Gillette which completed the top three.
Lego’s accolade follows on from a year in which the toymaker managed to stave off slow sales and return to growth.
In the past 12 months, Lego has premiered its long-awaited Lego Movie sequel and reaped the rewards of uniting entertainment franchises like Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, DC Comics and Harry Potter in stores.
Top 10 UK consumer brands
1. Lego
2. Apple
3. Gillette
4. Rolex
5. British Airways
6. Coca-Cola
7. Andrex
8. Mastercard
9. Visa
10. Dyson
Most relevant brands
According to Superbrands, Amazon is the business Brits consider to be gaining the most relevance to people today.
Despite consumer concerns around its working practices, how much tax it pays and its market dominance, the retailer bet off 1,595 other brands in to top the ‘relevancy index’ rankings of the Superbrands research.
The relevancy index reduces the influence of longer-term goodwill and emotional bond on voters, focusing consumers’ minds on shifts in use and importance.
Discount grocer, Aldi, took second place, while rival Lidl placed sixth.
Revealing the nation’s growing concern over one of Britain’s top five causes of premature death, Macmillan Cancer Support came third in the relevancy rankings. Netflix clocked in at number four (moving up from eighth last year).
Google, meanwhile, completed the line up at number five, having placed at number nine in 2018.
YouTube also took a spot in the top 20. However, for the second year in a row – and following on from several high-profile scandals like Cambridge Analytica and questions over harmful content – Facebook and Instagram were nowhere to be seen among the top brands for relevancy.
Although tech behemoth Apple placed in the top 20 at number 16, rival Samsung was higher up in ninth position, potentially signalling an increasing shift in power between the two competitors.
Top 10 most relevant UK consumer brands
1. Amazon
2. Aldi
3. Macmillan Cancer Support
4. Netflix
5. Google
6. Lidl
7. PayPal
8. Visa
9. Heathrow
10. Purplebricks
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Help your business STAND OUT from the crowd
Everyday it is estimated that we are exposed to nearly 400 marketing messages, of which only 150 are actually noticed and a lot less are recalled or make enough impact to prompt action. So how can you ensure you make yourself easily found?
1. Have a marketing strategy and review it.
Have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and a focused strategy to help drive your business forward. Is retaining and winning new customers key or is increasing sales your goal? Don’t forget to review and tweak that strategy.
2. Know your customer.
Who are they? Where are they? How can you target them?
Knowing your customer helps target them at the right place at the right time and at the right cots; ultimately leading to a return in investment.
3. Know your competitors.
What are your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses? How and where are they advertising? what can you do differently?
4. USP’s.
Be clear of your unique selling point(s); make these part of your marketing strategy. Why should somebody choose you over your competitors? Let people know why you are the best company to come to.
5. Be consistent.
Be consistent with your messages, reiteration is key. You want your clients to recognise you instantly. Less is more.
6.Be clear.
What do you want your clients to do? Buy a ticket or product? Log on to your website? Find out more information? Call you? Tell them what to do and how to do it. Make it easy to be found.
7.Be social.
No business can afford to ignore social media; it’s good for developing a two way conversation between yourself and your customer. Having social portals and an up to date website helps build credibility, brand and SEO too.
8.Take a risk.
Don’t be afraid to try something different. Think outside the box. Don’t assume advertising is too expensive, TV and Radio can be targeted and cost effective if used well.
9. Cost.
Don’t buy an advert just because it’s cheap. If your target audience does not consume that media it’s a waste of money.
10. Explore.
Look at the new platforms where you can be really targeted; Video on Demand for example. You can target by area, age, demographic etc.
Contact our award winning team to ensure your marketing plans are crafted to perfection and deliver results.
Call: 02921 320 300 email: [email protected] tweet: @themediaangel.