How often are people in the room when TV ads are on?

According to a new study from IPG Media Lab, 71 percent of TV commercials are seen by viewers.

The media agency worked with TVision to analyze six months of TV viewing behavior to assess how often people are actually seeing commercials. Using a term that’s more often used in the digital landscape, the study says that 71 percent of TV ad deliveries are “viewable,” meaning someone is in the room for at least two seconds while the commercial is airing. This compares to 69 percent of digital video being “viewable.”

The study used technology that was installed in a panel of households, recording variables such as how many people were in the room when an ad aired, whether people were engaged with the specific ad and if the ad was viewed by its target audience.

Some categories fared better than others: pharmaceutical ads were viewed 75 percent of the time, compared to 65 percent viewability for recreational ads, which includes entertainment venues, toys and games, and gyms and fitness.

This could, in part, be due to the use of longer pharma ads, which tend to increase viewability.

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